Hire the best WooCommerce developers. Vetted by us, perfect for you.
Codeable is the only WordPress freelancer platform. We match customers to the best WordPress and WooCommerce experts. From customizations to full store builds, our experts can help with projects of any size.
- Free Estimate
- No Obligation to hire
- Money-back guarantee
Why WooCommerce recommends Codeable as its official development partner
The best WordPress and WooCommerce talent.
Codeable is the only WordPress exclusive freelancer platform that connects clients with the top WordPress freelance developers to work on projects of any size.
Get help anytime you need it.
Our dedicated team of onboarding assistants and experts in support are available to help you work with your Codeable developer every step of the way.
Get matched with an expert in under one day.
Once you post your project requirements, our system will automatically match you with the most suitable experts to estimate your project.
We trust all our experts to deliver.
Codeable stands behind you and will provide a refund if you don’t receive a quality coded solution or the expert isn’t able to deliver on the scope that was agreed to.
Packaged services created with WooCommerce for you
Need help with these specific tasks? Get started now (or scroll down to see everything else we can help with)
- 90-minute process
- Identification of conflict cause
- Report provided detailing the issue(s)
- Fix within the 90-minutes if possible
- If additional work needed next steps identified, with costs
- Package covers sites with up to 10 plugins (or prioritized testing of plugins for sites with more than 10 plugins)
- Other conflict factors also considered
- Consultative discussion with developer in relation to your plugin requirements
- Installation & configuration of plugins
- Integration of plugins with existing website functionality
- Thorough testing of installed plugins
- Saves you time & ensures correct configuration, with performance considered upfront
- Pricing dependent on size and complexity of configuration & implementation work (fixed price estimate provided)
- Get your site content & data moved over to your WooCommerce site
- Basic content & data migration assumes up to 90 minutes of work
- Includes working with you to prepare a CSV import file from your existing store
- Uses the Woo CSV Importer
- For more comprehensive migrations (inc customer and order data) additional fixed price option ($1,500), or custom pricing where relevant
- A discounted 1-hour consultation with an experienced WooCommerce developer
- Includes a video call to discuss your needs
- Follow-up from the developer to define requirements, and to provide a cost for subsequent work & deliverables
- Collaborative approach to helping you think through your WooCommerce next steps
- Select ‘Consultation’ during the submission process
WooCommerce is the most customizable eCommerce platform on the market
With WooCommerce and a Codeable developer, your eCommerce store can do anything.
Create custom extensions for WooCommerce
Find an expert that specializes in specific eCommerce functionalities such as subscriptions, memberships, payment gateways, bookings, and more.
WooCommerce troubleshooting
Let our experts troubleshoot any problems to get WooCommerce back to running smoothly.
Ongoing WooCommerce maintenance
Codeable experts can help you with one-time updates and ongoing maintenance of your WooCommerce store. Our experts can custom fit you with a maintenance plan as well.
WooCommerce customizations
If you need to customize a WooCommerce shop home page, product catalog, checkout, shopping cart, or anything else on WooCommerce then we’ve got you covered.
WooCommerce performance optimization
Don’t let a slow WooCommerce store hinder sales performance, when Codeable’s specialized website performance experts are ready to take a look and help.
WooCommerce shipping and tax
Get help navigating the complex landscape of shipping and taxes in the eCommerce world from experienced experts who ensure your operations are dialed in.
Get matched with your WooCommerce developer in under one day
You’ll tell us what you need: we can tackle anything from small fixes to full website builds.
We’ll connect you to the right developers for your project to chat with and get your scope 100% defined.
You’ll get *one* estimate, hire your preferred developer, and start collaborating.
Ready to hire your WooCommerce developer?
Join the 8,000 WooCommerce Clients that have Trusted Codeable
“Brilliant all round developer and a fantastic job done. Robin is highly experienced, quickly identifying, communicating and resolving issues that were a serious roadblock for our subscription based setup.”
“Excellent work, followed the detailed and complex specs related to vat/tax in WooCommerce very well. Fast worker and good at communicating.”
“Alejandro was an incredible communicator that helped us solve a difficult WooCommerce issue! His communication allowed our project to be seamless from start to finish!”
Codeable’s suggested minimum rates are $80 – $120 USD / hr.
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