Wolfgang Geiger
Full-Stack Developer
Hi, I'm Wolfgang. I have been developing websites for over 20 years and would love to help you with your WordPress website - be it create a new site or improve your existing one.
overall rating
Hong Kong Island, China
Chinese, English, German
Member since
17 Nov, 2022
3 years
Typical projects
Customizations, Plugin Development, Theme Development
After more than 20 years in the website business there's little I haven't seen, so I'm up for most tasks that come my way. Having said that, over the last decade that I have lived in Hong Kong, I have specialized in 2 areas: Number 1 are custom plugins that add functionality to your website that are 100% unique to your requirements. This will allow you to get exactly what you want. Area number 2 are custom themes based on an existing design. The way this usually works is that a designer made a design and I, the developer, then take that design and turn it into a custom theme. This allows you to have a very performant website that looks 100% unique and fits your brand. Having said that, given my experience, I'm also happily taking on other projects not related to the 2 areas above. I'm looking forward to working with you!
My experience using Wolfgang has been amazing. It is really refreshing working with a programmer and NOT having any issues. He really understood what I was trying to do and delivered great service to get several projects dialed in and it all just worked. Beyond this, it was a really enjoyable collaboration.
Apr 27, 2023
Wolfgang was very professional and easy to work with. I loved the way he explained what he did and sent screenshots explaining to me. I will definitely be using him again in future. Thank you for all your help with my website.
Nov 30, 2022
Wolfgang was very helpful and committed. He explained what he did with each task so I always feel like I'm getting value for money.
Apr 28, 2023