Brian Lamilla
Full-Stack Developer
Hey! Welcome to my profile 😀 My name is Brian Lamilla and I'm a Full-Stack Developer with over five years of experience. I specialize in the development, troubleshooting, and customization of WordPress websites. I'm here to help you succeed!
Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian
Member since
02 Dec, 2021
4 years
Typical projects
Customizations, Theme Development, Troubleshooting and Fixes
Hey! Welcome to my profile 😀 My name is Brian Lamilla and I'm a Full-Stack Developer with over five years of experience. I specialize in the development, troubleshooting, and customization of WordPress websites. I love helping people to succeed on their own projects and make their websites appear as they would like them to be always looking for the highest quality.
Global Creators Community
Website developed from scratch using WordPress as the core technology. Every style in the site was fully customized using SASS and JavaScript. This is a pretty nice website done to help Influencers improve their projects and incomes.
MVL Consulting
Website for consulting company developed with Elementor and using a pre-existing theme. Job Manager option is also included in the website as well as multi-language feature.